Whole wheat flour- 2 cups
Onion - 1 large (cut into small pieces)
Salt - As per taste
Water - As required
Green chilli - 2 (cut into small pieces) optional
Coriander – ¼ cup optional

1) In a mixing bowl add wheat flour, salt, onion, green chilli, coriander and mix well.
2) Now add water in small amounts and knead it into a smooth dough.
3) Separate dough into equal portions and roll them into balls.
4) Using wheat flour for dusting press the dough balls flat like a paratha(Roti) using your fingers.
5) Heat a pan and brush it with oil. Now add flattened paratha and roast it on both sides.
6) Serve hot with Tomato sauce or chilli sauce.

Hand press
onion paratha